How to promote a quiz 

Reading Time: 5 minutes

You’ve got your brand-new online quiz ready to roll, now it’s time to get this valuable piece of content in front of your ideal client, only then can you sit back, relax and watch as it proves its worth. But of course, we use the word ‘relax’ loosely as you’ll be pretty busy once your quiz starts generating leads by the thousands!  

In this article we’re going to share the most successful, tried and tested strategies for getting your quiz seen and taken by the people who matter to you. Read on for step-by-step instructions and example messaging for the following marketing channels: 

  • Digital footprint 
  • Email 
  • Linkedin 
  • Social Media 

Digital footprint 

The term “digital footprint” is sometimes used to describe the evidence of your online activity, such as your social media posts or comments you’ve made on sites and forums. As ‘The Watcher’s’ real estate diva, Karen put it; ‘The internet is forever’. 

When it comes to your business’s digital footprint, we’re referring to the complete expression of its brand online, including content you’ve created as well as the stuff that’s out of your control such as comments and reviews others post about your business. 

Some typical places online that make up the part of your business’s digital footprint that you control of are; 

  • Your website 
  • Your email signatures 
  • LinkedIn profile 
  • Clubhouse profile 
  • Other social media profiles 
  • Facebook groups 
  • Directories and member websites you have entries on 

Placing internal links on your website such as on the homepage, in the menu, and in the body of any relevant content is a great way to promote it to your website visitors, plus it will help you gain more visitors. This is because links are how search engines understand and rank your webpages better. Simply adding links to your website will improve your search engine results. 

You can add external links to your LinkedIn and social media profiles as well as to your listings on any directories or member sites. You can also do a bit of outreach to get people or organisations with a similar audience to publish a link on their websites. Start with your existing network and continue from there. 

Including your quiz in your email signature is an often overlooked but quick and easy way for potential clients to get a taste of your services, plus it can open new avenues of business for existing clients who may not be aware of everything you offer. 

Ensuring your quiz is an integral part of your digital footprint will strengthen its online presence and increase its digital reach. Make sure that this is one of the first things you do to promote your quiz, it’s low hanging fruit and it gets results. 

Re-engage cold prospects 

Ah the ones that got away, maybe it wasn’t the right time or they didn’t have the budget, perhaps they went with someone else, whatever the reason for a prospect going cold, it’s always worth another shot. We understand though, that it can be difficult to restart the conversation, especially if some time has passed.  

A great way to promote your quiz and regain the attention of past prospects is to simply reach out and tell them about it. Before you do though, make sure you have everything in place to really blow them away and grab the opportunity when they bite. 

First, wait until you’ve had some initial feedback on your quiz, that way you can iron out any creases and be sure you’re sending them a really impressive and valuable piece of content to get stuck into.  

Don’t forget to have a seamless quiz follow up strategy in place too so you’re ready to pounce once they’ve submitted their quiz. See our guide to a successful email nurture campaign here

When you’re ready, you can start sending the quiz out to the people you would like to re-engage with. If possible, try to email individuals separately rather that doing a mass email. You can copy and paste the basic message, but any details you can add that are specific to them will show that they are important to you. Here is an example of an effective re-engagement email: 

Hi ……. 
I hope all is well with you? 
(Pen a quick introduction to yourself here to remind them who you are why they were interested in the first place) 
I’m checking in with you today to see if now is a good time for us to talk again about growing your business? 
To help kick things off and get an idea of where you are currently, I wanted to share this amazing new tool I’ve developed. It’s an online quiz and it only takes a few minutes to complete.   
This will help get a perspective on (name a few of their pain points here if you know them, otherwise just write ‘your current challeges’) and identify some of the steps we can take to help you achieve (enter their specific goals here if you know them, otherwise just write ‘your goals’). 
After answering a few multiple choice questions you will receive your overall score along with suggested areas of improvement and some tips around(name a few of the nuggets of wisdom your quiz provides) 
You’ll then be emailed a PDF report with further feedback and details explaining your score (enter the most pertinent outcomes they will want) 
Here’s the link, have fun! (Add link) 
Best regards, 


We’ve seen incredible results from this strategy alone, so it’s more than worth your time and careful consideration. 


LinkedIn is great tool, especially for B2B. It’s proven to drive more website traffic than Facebook and Twitter, so it’s really important to include it in your marketing strategy. 

You have to be a bit careful with LinkedIn and follow the rules of engagement. Anything spammy looking will get removed or moved to an area the algorithm deems more appropriate but may be less visible. Here are three ways you can use Linkedin to promote your quiz: 

  1. Be consistent. This rule applies across the board with social media. It doesn’t mean you should overload your audience with multiple posts a day, it just means being consistent. Posting one update a day is enough to drive engagement. Some top Linkedin posting tips are: 
  • Keep links to under 70 characters, anything more will get cut off 
  • Include images and videos, this can increase engagement by up to 98% 
  • Think Postman Pat – Post early in the mornings 
  1. Remember to include a link to your quiz and a description of it in your profile. You can also add it as a link in your publications list, make sure you include a call to action 
  1. Promote your quiz in groups, again, you need to be careful: 
  • Know the rules of the group 
  • Don’t share your quiz in a particular group more than once a week  
  • Try to find relevant discussions within the group and share your quiz in a way that says you’re providing a helpful resource, specific to the issue being discussed 
  • Share other people’s content as well as your own  

Social Media 

At the time of writing, things are a bit turbulent in the world of social media, mainly thanks to Mr Musk. But, Meta, owners of Facebook and Instagram, are having their issues too.  

That said, most people like to stick with what they know, plus there isn’t really a viable alternative for people to go to. So, it’s safe to say that promoting your quiz on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Tik Tok remains a good idea. Here are some tips to help you get your posts right: 

  1. Avoid business jargon, strike a relaxed, conversational tone instead 
  1. Use relevant and trending hashtags. Don’t overload your post with them 
  1. Use tags. Tag anyone who gets a mention in your quiz or post. Tag relevant accounts or influencers you would like a repost from 
  1. Try to start a conversation, ask a question or invite feedback on the quiz 
  1. Don’t forget to include a link to the quiz in your post 
  1. Use pictures to get more engagement 

Key Takeaways 

By now you should have some great tactics under your belt for promoting your quiz. Running themes to remember for all channels are: 

  • Keep it clear and concise 
  • Make sure its relevant to the audience 
  • Be consistent.  

As a final thought, remember to track your results so you can see which strategies are working and which ones aren’t, that way you know where to focus your efforts and where to make some changes. 

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