How much quiz customisation can SMA digital do? 

Reading Time: 4 minutes

In short, we can do it all. All the customisation you could ever wish for is possible with SMA Digital. Thanks for reading. The end. 

Wait, what’s that? You have more questions? Ah ok then, let’s go through the what, why, where, when, who, and how of customising your Specialised Marketing Assessment.  

Read on to find out all the details of what we do and how we do it when it comes to making a quiz that’s distinctly yours and why customisation is such an important feature if you want your online quiz to perform and get the results you want. 

What is quiz customisation? 

Quiz customisation, or any sort of customisation for that matter, means changing something to suit the preferences, needs, or requirements of an individual or an organisation. Customisation can also mean changing something for a specific task. So, the term customisation can be used when focusing either on our audience or how something functions. 

When you choose SMA Digital, there are two ways that we add customisation to your quiz. 

  1. Your quiz is customised to match your brand. This involves making sure the written and visual components use your branding, that includes your logo, fonts, language, images, colours and brand voice 
  1. Your quiz is customised to create a personalised experience for your ideal client. To meet your their needs and to answer their specific questions about their own frustrations 

Let’s expand on the second point. By now we’re all familiar with targeted ads. Most of us know that every time we go online the world of internet advertising is collecting digital data on us, gathering insights, and learning our habits and behaviours so that they can show us ads and content that they think we will be interested in.  

In the past, when digital first began to reshape how businesses interact with their customers, this often seemed creepy, and no doubt many internet users still feel this way. But research shows that people have a better response to an ad or piece of content when it is personalised. In 2018, Harvard Business Review revealed that although people want to keep their information secure online, they still value personalized and meaningful online experiences. We are so used to customisation that we now expect and demand it. 

Why is quiz customisation important? 

The business landscape is highly competitive and to stand out, you need to know your ideal client like the back of your hand. You must make sure that what you offer them is completely specific to their needs and what they want. You need to customise your quiz to give them the personalised experience that they desire. 

It is also important that your quiz is a seamless extension of you and your brand. The finished product and the experience it provides must fit in with everything else you do so that your niche audience gets a consistent experience with you across all touchpoints. 


Which parts of the quiz are customised? 

As we may have humbly mentioned at the top of the article, we can do it all. Every element of your quiz can be customised. Let’s break it down. 

  • The visual appearance, the language, the tone can all be custom to you and your brand 
  • The title of the quiz, whether written by you or by us, for you, is customised to reflect what your ideal client wants to know 
  • If we write your own questions for you, we don’t pull them from a database of generic quiz questions. Sure, we know the type of questions that work best, but the language will be tailored to speak directly to your audience in words they can relate to 
  • The question and answer stage of the quiz can be customised using branching logic, so the quiz taker only sees questions relevant to answers they have already given, making the quiz a highly personalised and interactive experience  
  • The feedback your quiz taker receives is customised to align with every possible quiz outcome, so they only receive helpful and valuable information that is specific to their goals and challenges. The same goes for the video and PDF results report 
  • We create custom calls to action (CTAs) that are specifically designed to persuade the quiz taker to take the action you want them to take. We create different custom CTAs for each quiz outcome so that the action is pitched at the appropriate level for each individual quiz taker 

When is customisation added to the quiz? 

Customisation is at the core of what we do. From the outset of our working relationship with you, we dig deep to understand you, your offering, and your audience. In this way we can craft the perfect custom quiz to meet yours and your ideal client’s needs. 

In practical terms, we ask you to share your brand assets and guidelines with us early on so that we can start building the quiz as efficiently as possible. 

Who is responsible for customising my quiz? 

Our expert team of writers, graphic designers, and developers will do all the work. All you have to do is answer a few queries about who you are, what you do, who your ideal client is, what they need, and how they talk about their challenges.  

We acquire all this information from you during the kick-off call. We conduct as much of our research as possible without needing to bother you. Most of the time, after the kick-off call, we only need you to send us your brand assets and guidelines.  

If you opt to write your quiz yourself, you will essentially customise your own written elements of your quiz. But you won’t be alone, we are here to guide you. We’ll help you strike a balance between getting your message across and crafting clear, concise, and engaging quiz questions and answers that make it easy for the quiz taker to select accurate responses. 

How is my quiz customised? 

Wizardry! Well, it’s programming mainly, done by our talented (and a bit magical) team of developers. The main thing to remember is that you don’t need to lift a finger. Our tech and the team behind it will do all the work needed to make sure your quiz looks and behaves how you want it to, and provides the specific experience you want for your ideal client. 

Customisation, customisation, customisation 

We know we answered the question of how much customisation we can provide (answer in case you forgot – aaaallllll the customisation). Hopefully we have also helped you understand why customisation is an influential factor in determining your quiz’s success.  

If you are currently looking into quiz solution providers, be sure to check out their customisation capabilities and make this a priority in your decision-making process.  

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