What is the SMA quiz creation process? 

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To paraphrase The Greatest Showman, how do we do like we do, so you can do like you? 

In this article we’re going to share, in detail, every step of our quiz creation process. That way, if you decide a Specialised Marketing Assessment is the right solution for you, you’ll know exactly what to expect. 

Is the process difficult? 

Our finely tuned quiz creation process is designed to make everything as easy and accessible as possible, every step of the way. Even if you haven’t done any sort of content creation before, our process, guidelines and resources take the uncertainty out of everything, giving you the freedom to get the right message across to your audience. 

Creating a quiz seems like a big task, will I be overwhelmed? 

We break it down into an easy-to-follow step by step method that means you can conquer one chunk at a time, in your own time.  

Can I change my mind about the content or direction? 

It’s flexible and nothing is ever set in stone, so if you change your mind about something it can easily be rectified.  

Do I have to follow the steps in order? 

You can complete different elements in whatever order makes sense to you. For example, if you’re more of a big picture thinker, you can start with the results and tackle the questions later. The process is designed to be adaptable to your preferred way of working. 

Here are the 10 steps to quiz glory: 

Step 1. Kick off call 

The kick off stage will differ slightly based on which package you choose. See our pricing page for more details of the quiz packages we offer.  

If you were to choose the Done-For-You package, we’ll kick off with a 60-minute call to define the goals for your quiz and draw out your knowledge and expertise, we then turn that data into valuable and meaningful quiz content. 

If you choose the Done-With-Us package the kick-off call will be 30-minutes. As well as defining aims, objectives, and outcomes for your quiz, we will walk you through our six steps to creating engaging quiz content. This will set you up with all the tools and knowledge you need to start writing your quiz. 

The most important part of this stage is to do the pre work of setting goals and desired outcomes for the quiz. This ensures they are kept front of mind at every step of the creation process and the quiz remains focused on the overall target. 

Step 2. Complete the quiz content document 

This is the document we use to create the framework for your quiz. It states the aims, objectives, and outcomes of the quiz, as well as defining the target audience and identifying their pain points. It then maps that information to the quiz content such as the questions, scores, and feedback.  

Having this framework in place keeps the quiz focused on achieving your desired outcomes and helps keep your audience at its core. 

Depending on the package you go for, the quiz content document will either be completed by the SMA team, during and after your kick-off call, or you will complete it yourself, having been walked through it by your Relationship Manager and Onboarding Expert. 

The content doesn’t need to be perfect at this stage. In fact, there is always room for improvement and scope to make changes, even once the quiz has gone live. We always advise our clients to continue to update periodically as they collect feedback from peers and clients. 

Step 3. Create questions and feedback 

Once the framework is complete, with aims, objectives, audience, and outcomes all clearly defined, it’s time to start crafting the questions and feedback.  

Again, this stage differs slightly according to what package you choose. If you were to go Done-For-You, the SMA team will write the questions and feedback for you, based on the information they gathered during the kick off call. If you go Done-With-Us, you will use the six-step process to create your quiz content. 

Step 4. Write the video script 

You will need a variety of scripts to create videos for each possible result of your quiz. Don’t worry, we’re not talking ‘Lawrence of Arabia’ here. The videos should only be about one minute long. They simply state the score, what it means, share your credentials, and give a clear and compelling call to action.  

It might not sound much but adding a video explainer to your quiz results page is a powerful strategy when you consider that 84% of viewers take up a call to action after seeing it in video format. 

If you were to go Done-For-You, as the name suggests, we’ll do this for you! If you choose Done-With-Us, we will provide a template and guidance to help you come up with your own script. 

Step 5. Lights. Camera. Action! 

Again, don’t worry, we’re not getting any Oscar nominations here! We will give you a checklist and the resources you need to film your videos.  

With the sophisticated technological capabilities most of us carry around in our pockets these days, making a video has never been easier. And our helpful hints will get you performing like an A-lister in no time.  

Even if the thought of being on camera makes you want to run away and hide, we have tips, techniques, and workarounds to help you overcome any barrier. 

Step 6. Our team work their magic  

Now it’s time to hand everything over to SMA Digital’s highly talented team of Copywriters, Developers, Graphic Designers, and Video Editors. 

If you have opted to write your quiz content yourself, our Copywriter will edit your writing, giving it that extra polish to take it to the next level. 

The Frontend Developers work to make sure your audience have an impeccable user experience when taking your quiz.  

The Backend Developers test and debug to ensure the quiz meets the needs of both humans and search engines alike. Crucially they will also integrate your quiz with your CRM, meaning you can access all your marketing data in one place. 

The Graphic Designer works to ensure the look and feel of your quiz fits in seamlessly with your unique visual communication style.  

And finally, the Video Editor assembles your video footage and dialogue, adds sound effects, graphics, and special effects to deliver a high-quality final video product that showcases your skills, expertise, and unique offering to your audience in an effective and engaging format.  

Step 7. Quality assurance and enhancement  

The quiz is now built and ready to take out for a test drive. Before we give you the keys, our Copywriter and Onboarding Expert will need to proofread and test the quiz. 

They put it through a rigorous process involving testing all outcomes, ensuring the answers selected are aligned with results and feedback. They also test for usability, speed, accuracy, grammar, spelling, accessibility, and inclusivity. 

Step 8. Client feedback  

When we feel satisfied with the quiz, we send it to you, the client, to test. We also advise you to send it to a few of your trusted clients in order to gain feedback. We can help at this stage by providing template emails with suggested questions for your testers to answer that will really help evaluate the quiz and identify any issues.

Step 9. Changes implemented 

Once you have compiled your client’s and your own feedback and passed it on to us, we will implement any changes that are needed. 

Step 10. Ready to launch 

The moment has arrived for the quiz to go live! You will receive your own unique quiz URL and log in details to your SMA account area, where you can monitor quiz performance and make changes. You will receive full training on how to do this. 

Next steps 

So, there you have it, our quiz creation process in 10 easy steps. As you can see it varies slightly depending on your choice of package. But whatever plan you go for, we take the stress, worry and leg work out of the whole thing. Our team of experts will bring your quiz to life while you get on with doing what you do.  

So, what comes next? Well now it’s time promote your quiz, learn from the data and continuously optimise. But you won’t be on your own with our marketing and data analysis support and training to guide you, you will be empowered to make the very best use of your quiz. 

To learn more about How to Promote a Quiz, see our article. 

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