How do I know if my quiz will work and what happens if it doesn’t? 

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Some of us are more tolerant of risk than others. Being risk averse isn’t always seen as a desirable business attribute. We must be willing to take risks, to makes mistakes and to learn from them. Today’s culture is all about embracing failure and seeing it as an opportunity for improvement. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t do what we can to avoid it. 

In this article we’re going to give you as much evidence as we can to demonstrate why a quiz solution is one of the safest bets you can make to improve your marketing plan, lead generation, revenue, and a whole host of other pay offs. We’ll also share our expertise on what you can do to fix issues and continually improve your quiz to get the best results. 

Will it work? 

The proof is in the pudding, and we have had some sweet results with the 700+ businesses we have worked with so far. Here are our top two success stories: 

Lisa Johnson 

Business Strategist, Lisa Johnson came to us for help with generating better leads from Facebook ads, referral partners, and social media. We recognised that her experience and character were her best attributes that spoke to people on an emotional level. We created her quiz, The Cash Calculator, to reflect those assets and instantly build trust with potential clients. 

The Cash Calculator quiz resulted in over 8500+ leads and counting. It was so successful that Lisa didn’t hesitate to invest in a second quiz.  

This time we took a more light-hearted approach and used Facebook to promote a fun quiz that helped Lisa’s prospects identify which lead magnet would be the right fit. Having taken the quiz, prospects were led to take part in a free five-day challenge and launch sequence. This quiz proved successful in increasing engagement and resulted in 4000+ leads. 

With two flourishing quizzes under her belt already, Lisa went for a third helping of SMA, this time to improve member retention. We identified that her new members were becoming overwhelmed by the vast amount of content she offered. We developed the ‘Where Do I Start?’ 30-second quiz, that helped people quickly identify which resources to start with. This boosted user engagement and resulted in an increase in membership retention. 

ActionCOACH Case Study 

Our next success story focuses on ActionCOACH, one of the largest business coaching franchises with over 1000 coaches globally. They came to us looking for a way to attract more warm, ideal prospects. 

Our research and analysis into their operations showed that a vast majority of their target audience were not aware of what a business coach could help them with. We also identified that the sheer size of the global ActionCOACH franchise could affect trust and fail to engage prospects who want a personal and bespoke experience.  

We developed The Next Level Assessment quiz. Carefully curated questions guided prospects to self-identify the current issues in their business. The quiz was designed to effectively communicate and educate prospects as to what a business coach can do for them and their unique challenges. 

To fill the trust gap and show the individuals behind the franchise and their expertise. We developed dynamic elements to the quiz so users received personalised feedback and a video from their own local coach, giving them a face-to-face experience. 

The Next Level Assessment quiz, is currently gaining each of the 200+ UK based ActionCOACH’s an average of 14 highly qualified leads every month. 

The power of the quiz marketing solution 

It’s not just SMA Digital proving that quiz marketing works. In 2014, BuzzFeed launched a quiz called “What City Should You Actually Live In?” Since then, the quiz has been viewed more than 20 million times. The company now creates multiple quizzes every day.  

In 2015 optical brand Zenni, made a huge impact when their quiz generated $1 million in revenue and 29,410 lead conversions. 

In a survey conducted by the Content Marketing Institute (CMI), 81% of respondents said that interactive content is more effective than static content in capturing consumers’ attention.  

How we set you up for quiz success 

Our experience and expertise mean we know what ingredients make the perfect quiz and get results. Our team has a range of specialisms, we can conduct in depth needs analysis to identify the root cause of any challenge a business might be facing. We dig deep and go the extra mile to design a quiz that solves for our client’s unique challenges equips them with the tool they need to reach their goals.  

A key strategy is to play on our client’s strengths, we recognise their strongest asset that is most likely to hook in prospects. We and use the quiz as a means to communicate that quickly and effectively. 

What if it doesn’t work 

If your quiz isn’t performing the way you expected, don’t panic. This could be for a whole host of reasons that are easily rectified, we’ll troubleshoot those in a moment.  

We encourage our clients to enlist some of their past customers to beta test the quiz and provide feedback before launching it. But only once the quiz is live, can the real data collection begin. Then, as with any marketing campaign, it’s a case of tracking, learning and optimising on loop. Sounds tough? It doesn’t have to be, here at SMA we provide our clients with the training, tools, and resources to put in place a simple and effective evaluation cycle so that they can easily manage and improve their quiz. 

Here are a few things you can work on if things aren’t going to plan: 

  1. Is there enough traffic? 
  • If the problem is that not enough people are taking your quiz its time to reassess your promotional strategies? Look at what’s working and what isn’t. Find out where most people are coming to your quiz from and ramp up promotion on that channel. Find out more by reading our How to promote a quiz article 
  1. Evaluate feedback 
  • Feedback is a gift, ask for it on your socials, learn from it, make the changes 
  1. Look at data 
  • Look at the reports in your account area, they will give you valuable information such as how many people are completing your quiz and if they’re not, at what point they’re giving up 
  1. Optimise 
  • Use the data you have gathered to inform decisions on how best to tweak and adapt things like your promotional strategies, the length of the quiz, the questions, the scoring and the call to action. 

We’re here to help 

When you invest in a Specialised Marketing Assessment, you always have a team of experts on hand to work closely with you and help you get the best out of your quiz.  

We provide you with ongoing support by phone and email to answer any question and solve any problem.  

As well as receiving training on promoting and measuring your quiz as part of your package, we run regular training sessions that deep dive into valuable content like LinkedIn strategies, email campaigns and more.  

You will also have ongoing access to the Marketing Playbook, our online knowledge centre that is constantly updated with trustworthy, insightful information.  


Although a quiz is the ultimate lead generation tool, it’s worth remembering that it’s not about just leads. It’s more crucial than ever to understand the current climate and adapt. If you want to figure out what your customers want, a quiz is a simple and easy way to gain accurate, lead-generating information. But the design and implementation of a highly effective quiz that gets results requires the help of specialists. 

Interactivity is also the key that brings today’s buyers into the experience, in a world where most have become ‘banner blind’ and ads are largely ignored, having the consumer engaged is a huge win in itself. 

Every business is trying to deliver the right message to the right consumer at the right time. Quizzes are an incredibly efficient way to do that, whilst also adding value to your prospect’s experience and gaining their trust. If these sound like the sort of results you want to achieve, you can’t go wrong with a quiz. 

How Well Do You Currently Attract and Convert Leads?

Discover the result your own Assessment Quiz could have for you and your business.